What shoes do I wear with this outfit? I hear this common question often. I have a simple formula that decodes choosing shoes for your outfit. I’m suggesting general guidelines to create balance between the fabrics and styling of your outfit with your shoe.

For instance, a heavier fabric with a full coverage outfit looks balanced with a full coverage shoe. If you wore strappy, exposed shoes it may look like a seasonal clash.

However, all bets are off for evening events and dates when full foot exposure with strappy shoes is completely appropriate and expected. Next week, I’ll share my guidelines for choosing shoe colors with your outfit, to match, compliment and contrast.

For today, here are my recommendations to help you make shoe choices with ease…enjoy!





Join countless women who have completed the most unique styling program. My proven 5-Step Brand Style Power Signature Brand Style System gives you all the invaluable tools you’ll need to:

  • Uncover your brand essence and learn how you are really being perceived!
  • Discover your distinctive Signature Brand Style that effortlessly attracts the right clients!
  • Identify your body shape with simple strategies to dress for your shape and get the ultimate ‘comfortable in your own skin’ body confidence!
  • Create a color palette that’s based on your unique brand, personality traits and values to be memorable!
  • Move into action with a dynamic plan for you to quickly step into the best version of yourself and attract all the clients you’ll need!

These priceless skills are simple to learn and provide you with a low-maintenance routine. You’ll confidently shop with ease, get dressed faster and look amazing every time you leave the house to represent your brand in every area of your life, for business, leisure and social. Learn more about my style programs to get your life-enhancing, career game-changing Signature Brand Style here.

Ready to have a conversation about how you can elevate your Brand Style to accelerate your success? Click here to schedule your complimentary 30-minute Brand Style Discovery Call!