I’m back home from my trip to Chicago; my husband and I brought our daughter Shayne to college. What a magical experience! We spent four days driving from LA to Chicago and five days in Chicago.

The road trip was so much fun! I thought the long drive from LA was what I needed to help with the transition of letting her go; I called it, my s-l-o-w release. My husband and daughter happily indulged my road trip request. But the best part is that once we were in it, we quickly realized we all equally needed the time to take it slow, connect and enjoy each other before we said a final goodbye to the life we’ve known.

After enjoying the long car ride, the momentum changed once we arrived in Chicago. We hit the road to shop for a new wardrobe. The plan was to look for fall clothes AND snow ready gear but we learned that we were a month too early for sub-zero quality gear. That will have to wait for the next trip! In the meantime, we maximized our shopping with lots of great fall clothes to start the school year in style!

My daughter also found a new appreciation for her naturally curly hair and decided to wear this new look for college, leaving the flat iron behind. By the way, her anti-frizz curl secret is coconut oil.

I even got a little shopping in for myself at the student bookstore with a Columbia of Chicago t-shirt to wear as a proud mom!

On the last day, when it was time to say goodbye, we had long hugs all around. It was sad because it’s was hard to let go of our baby. But mostly, my husband and I were filled with feelings of gratitude. Grateful that we were able to have this time together, savor the moments and experiences of this nine day trip, and that our daughter was in a place that felt like her new and second home.

We left as she continued to connect with her new roommates, decorate her room and meet other students on their floor. She’s so excited about it all. She’s filled with optimism and believes she found the place where she can thrive and fulfill her dreams.

Now that I’m back home, I’m settling into a redefined role as a parent from afar. There have been random tears, striking like an ambush when I least expect it, often at moments of routine when I realize she’s not a part of the familiar, then realizing there’s a new normal to adjust to and the tears dry. Overall, I’m doing better than I thought; her happiness has made it so much easier. Now I cherish each phone call and text to hear about her new adventures.

While Shayne is thriving and embracing her new beginning, I’m working to do the same for mine. During quiet times of reflection, there have been new insights both personally and professionally that are expanding me as a person and as a businesswoman. I am looking ahead to a future filled with the potential for opportunity and growth and can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!

Thank you for being a part of my life and sharing this amazing milestone with me. Your kind words of encouragement and thoughtfulness have meant more than you’ll ever know. Even if you haven’t reached out in words, I feel your support in spirit and will always remember how it felt and helped to carry me through.